myself in #801  Contributor's Pick!       
Myself in the cab of #801. No, that's not photoshopped!
Date: 9/27/2007 Location: Steelville, MO   Map Show Steelville on a rail map Views: 1099 Collection Of:   Jenny Vaughn
Author:  Jenny Vaughn
myself in #801
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  ATT&NW RR - general
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Allan Love Jr General Haha. That's so cute. 3/12/2008 7:07:54 AM
Sean Kolker General Need more women in this industry,I worked with 2 conductors in Sioux City,IA that where just as good as the guys( if not better ) then...;) 3/28/2008 5:44:42 PM
Joe Hill General A picture of the perfect who likes trains!!!! 8-) 4/10/2008 10:18:33 PM
Toby Schramm General Cool! You look like you're having fun. 4/28/2008 8:52:42 PM
Zach Pumphery General Uh oh...clear the right of way! 4/29/2008 1:17:20 AM
Sean Angelo General Ahah. Very nice to see the opposite side enjoying the power of a steam beast. Very nice. 7/28/2008 12:03:11 PM
Andrew Matuska General Have u ever considered workin 4 the RR? I'm down here at NARS @ JCCC and its alot of fun! Me and school really don't mix but its still worth going and all the homework! By the way u have some pretty good stuff on here. Well talk to you later. 10/22/2008 6:28:36 PM
Terry Cantrell General front page pic on 11/20/2008 at 7:30am. 11/21/2008 8:30:38 AM
John K. Pack General Jenny you have a smile that brightens the day as far as helping your photo skills ( lord knows I need help) might I suggest a site on the internet ( which I reciently found to be of help. 12/29/2008 4:33:48 PM
Jim Gavin General Great shot Jenny. 1/1/2009 11:49:31 AM
Shelley H. General Always good to know I'm not the only huge girl railfan in this world! 1/17/2009 12:36:41 AM
Shelley H. General I like to know there is other girls that share the same interest! 1/17/2009 12:37:26 AM

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