Idiots and railroad tracks dont' mix         
With an EB fteight in view this idiot walks this child right in the gauge with their backs to the train. This photo was taken at approx. 9:30 AM on May 3, 2018.
Date: 5/3/2018 Location: Richland, PA   Map Show Richland on a rail map Views: 182 Collection Of:   Dave Wolfe (Milepost 33 R
Author:  Dave Wolfe
Idiots and railroad tracks dont' mix
Picture Categories: Track This picture is part of album:  Stupid People & Trains
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Robert Anderson General All of these may be be nature attempting to thin the herd,except this one. A Dr. Phil episode of child endangerment. Incredible! Haven't seen anything this bizzar since I looked out the side window of the tower i was working 2nd trick and with no Xing for miles,a Jeep Cherokee with a family off roading thru my interlocking. Milw main line. Had they not been stoped by a turnout and if I had missed them,Milw piggyback No.98 would have met them head on at speed in the curve just beyond. 98 was in the approach circuit. Ironicly when confronted how close they were to oblivion, they thought they were doing nothing wrong and I was out of line telling them to leave RR property. The Police took over. This was about 1975. 5/31/2019 10:40:19 PM
Steve Coraggio General Very dangerous what is shown here. The parent has no regard for hwer own safety or that of her child. Not a good situation and probably do esthis frequently. We all see people walking the tracks. 4/13/2021 8:49:28 PM

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